Personal Computer World 2005 October
Syn Text Editor
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' syn
' Copyright (C) 2000-2003, Ascher Stefan. All rights reserved.
' stievie@utanet.at, http://web.utanet.at/ascherst/
' The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
' Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
' http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
' Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
' the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
' The Original Code is consts.vbs, released Sun, 26 May 2002 10:55:39 UTC.
' The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ascher Stefan.
' Portions created by Ascher Stefan are Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Ascher Stefan.
' All Rights Reserved.
' Contributor(s): .
' Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
' GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which case
' the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above.
' If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms
' of the GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file
' under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
' replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
' If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version
' of this file under either the MPL or the GPL.
' You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the syn home page,
' located at http://syn.sourceforge.net/
' $Id: consts.vbs,v 2003/08/13 00:38:45 neum Exp $
' Registry Key where syn saves all Settings
const SynRegKey = "HKCU\Software\Ascher\syn"
' syn Commands for use with ExecCommand method
const scEAnsiToOem = 0
const scEAppendCut = 1
const scEAppenCopy = 2
const scEBlockSave = 3
const scEBlockSort = 4
const scECheckSpelling = 5
const scEComment = 6
const scECopy = 7
const scECut = 8
const scEOutdent = 9
const scEDelete = 10
const scEDeleteLine = 11
const scEDeleteToBOL = 12
const scEDeleteToEOL = 13
const scEDeleteWord = 14
const scEDuplicateLines = 15
const scEEncoding = 16
const scEFormatLines = 17
const scEIndent = 18
const scEInsertDateTime = 19
const scEInsertFile = 20
const scEJoinLines = 21
const scELeadingTabsToSpace = 22
const scELeadingSpaceToTabs = 23
const scEOEMToAnsi = 24
const scEPaste = 25
const scERedo = 26
const scECapitalize = 27
const scESelectAll = 28
const scESelectLine = 29
const scETabsToSpace = 30
const scEUncomment = 31
const scEUndo = 32
const scSFind = 33
const scSFindNext = 34
const scSFindPrev = 35
const scSFindNextWord = 36
const scSFindPrevWord = 37
const scSIncrSearchForward = 38
const scSIncrSearchBackward = 39
const scSReplace = 40
const scSGoto = 41
const scSGotoPrevOutput = 42
const scSGotoNextOutput = 43
const scSGotoLastChange = 44
const scSMatchBracket = 45
const scSShowCaret = 46
const scFReopen = 47
const scFSave = 48
const scFSaveAs = 49
const scFSaveFTP = 50
const scFERxportHTML = 51
const scFExportRTF = 52
const scFClose = 53
const scFProperties = 54
const scFPrint = 55
const scFPrintPreview = 56
' syn Edit Commands for use with ExecEditCommand method
const ecNone = &H00000000
const ecLeft = &H00000001
const ecRight = &H00000002
const ecUp = &H00000003
const ecDown = &H00000004
const ecWordLeft = &H00000005
const ecWordRight = &H00000006
const ecLineStart = &H00000007
const ecLineEnd = &H00000008
const ecPageUp = &H00000009
const ecPageDown = &H0000000A
const ecPageLeft = &H0000000B
const ecPageRight = &H0000000C
const ecPageTop = &H0000000D
const ecPageBottom = &H0000000E
const ecEditorTop = &H0000000F
const ecEditorBottom = &H00000010
const ecGotoXY = &H00000011
const ecSelLeft = &H00000065
const ecSelRight = &H00000066
const ecSelUp = &H00000067
const ecSelDown = &H00000068
const ecSelWordLeft = &H00000069
const ecSelWordRight = &H0000006A
const ecSelLineStart = &H0000006B
const ecSelLineEnd = &H0000006C
const ecSelPageUp = &H0000006D
const ecSelPageDown = &H0000006E
const ecSelPageLeft = &H0000006F
const ecSelPageRight = &H00000070
const ecSelPageTop = &H00000071
const ecSelPageBottom = &H00000072
const ecSelEditorTop = &H00000073
const ecSelEditorBottom = &H00000074
const ecSelGotoXY = &H00000075
const ecSelectAll = &H000000C7
const ecCopy = &H000000C9
const ecScrollUp = &H000000D3
const ecScrollDown = &H000000D4
const ecScrollLeft = &H000000D5
const ecScrollRight = &H000000D6
const ecInsertMode = &H000000DD
const ecOverwriteMode = &H000000DE
const ecToggleMode = &H000000DF
const ecNormalSelect = &H000000E7
const ecColumnSelect = &H000000E8
const ecLineSelect = &H000000E9
const ecMatchBracket = &H000000FA
const ecGotoMarker0 = &H0000012D
const ecGotoMarker1 = &H0000012E
const ecGotoMarker2 = &H0000012F
const ecGotoMarker3 = &H00000130
const ecGotoMarker4 = &H00000131
const ecGotoMarker5 = &H00000132
const ecGotoMarker6 = &H00000133
const ecGotoMarker7 = &H00000134
const ecGotoMarker8 = &H00000135
const ecGotoMarker9 = &H00000136
const ecSetMarker0 = &H0000015F
const ecSetMarker1 = &H00000160
const ecSetMarker2 = &H00000161
const ecSetMarker3 = &H00000162
const ecSetMarker4 = &H00000163
const ecSetMarker5 = &H00000164
const ecSetMarker6 = &H00000165
const ecSetMarker7 = &H00000166
const ecSetMarker8 = &H00000167
const ecSetMarker9 = &H00000168
const ecContextHelp = &H000001EA
const ecDeleteLastChar = &H000001F5
const ecDeleteChar = &H000001F6
const ecDeleteWord = &H000001F7
const ecDeleteLastWord = &H000001F8
const ecDeleteBOL = &H000001F9
const ecDeleteEOL = &H000001FA
const ecDeleteLine = &H000001FB
const ecClearAll = &H000001FC
const ecLineBreak = &H000001FD
const ecInsertLine = &H000001FE
const ecChar = &H000001FF
const ecImeStr = &H00000226
const ecUndo = &H00000259
const ecRedo = &H0000025A
const ecCut = &H0000025B
const ecPaste = &H0000025C
const ecBlockIndent = &H00000262
const ecBlockUnindent = &H00000263
const ecTab = &H00000264
const ecShiftTab = &H00000265
const ecAutoCompletion = &H0000028A
const ecUpperCase = &H0000026C
const ecLowerCase = &H0000026D
const ecToggleCase = &H0000026E
const ecTitleCase = &H0000026F
const ecString = &H00000276
const ecGotFocus = &H000002BC
const ecLostFocus = &H000002BD
' Character Encoding
const cpWin1251 = 0
const cpKOI8R = 1
const cpISO88592 = 2
const cpISO88595 = 3
const cpISO88597 = 4
const cpDOS866 = 5
const cpMacCE = 6 ' Centeral European
const cpMacCyrillic = 7
const cpMacGreek = 8
' Export Type
const etHTML = 0
const etRTF = 1
const etTeX = 2
' Linebreak
const lbNoChange = 0
const lbWindows = 1
const lbUNIX = 2
const lbMac = 3
' ModalResult constants
const mrNone = 0
const mrOK = 1
const mrCancel = 2
const mrAbort = 3
const mrRetry = 4
const mrIgnore = 5
const mrYes = 6
const mrNo = 7
const mrAll = 8
const mrNoToAll = 9
const mrYesToAll = 10
' Cursors
const crDefault = 0
const crNone = -1
const crArrow = -2
const crCross = -3
const crIBeam = -4
const crSizeNESW = -6
const crSizeNS = -7
const crSizeNWSE = -8
const crSizeWE = -9
const crUpArrow = -10
const crHourGlass = -11
const crDrag = -12
const crNoDrop = -13
const crHSplit = -14
const crVSplit = -15
const crMultiDrag = -16
const crSQLWait = -17
const crNo = -18
const crAppStart = -19
const crHelp = -20
const crHandPoint = -21
const crSizeAll = -22
' Window State
const wsNormal = 0
const wsMinimized = 1
const wsMaximized = 2
' Browse for Folder
const BIF_STATUSTEXT = &H0004
const BIF_EDITBOX = &H0010
const BIF_VALIDATE = &H0020
const BSF_DESKTOP = 0 'Desktop is the root directory. With BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS circumvents problem with OK-button
const BSF_INTERNETEXPLORER = 1 'Internet Explorer is the root
const BSF_PROGRAMS = 2 'Programs folder of the start menu is the root
const BSF_CONTROLPANEL = 3 'Control Panel is the root. Needs BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES
const BSF_PRINTERS = 4 'Printers folder is the root. Needs BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES
const BSF_DOCUMENTS = 5 'Documentsfolder is the root
const BSF_FAVORITES = 6 'Favorites is the root
const BSF_STARTUP = 7 'Startup-folder of the startmenu is the root. Needs BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES
const BSF_RECENT = 8 'Recentfolder is the root. Needs BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES
const BSF_SENDTO = 9 'Sendto-folder is the root. Needs BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES
const BSF_RECYCLEBIN = 10 'Recycle Bin is the root. Needs BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES
const BSF_STARTMENU = 11 'Start Menu is the root
const BSF_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = 16 'The Desktopdirectory is the root directory
const BSF_DRIVES = 17 'The drives (My computer) folder is the root
const BSF_NETWORK = 18 'The networkneighbourhood is the root
const BSF_NETHOOD = 19 'The nethoodfolder is the root
const BSF_FONTS = 20 'The fontsfolder is the root
const BSF_TEMPLATES = 21 'The templatesfolder is the root